Unleashing the Potential of AI: Can Quantum Computing Satisfy its Hunger for Power?

The demand for​ electricity in data centers is at an‌ all-time high due to⁣ the needs ⁤of generative artificial intelligence ⁢(genAI) and general AI processing. According to Epoch AI, the compute capacity for training large ⁤language ​models is ⁤doubling⁣ every nine ⁣months, leading to a significant increase in⁤ global data center electricity ⁣demand by 2026.

To address this energy demand, tech companies ​are exploring​ alternative energy sources and ways to reduce the energy consumption of AI technologies. ‌One promising solution is quantum​ computing, which offers superior processing capabilities and ⁢energy efficiency compared‌ to traditional binary systems.

Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize AI applications, such as accelerating drug ⁢discovery and ​personalized pharmaceuticals. Avivah Litan from ‌Gartner ‍highlights the ability of quantum computing to support⁢ AI-based simulations of clinical drug trials, significantly‍ reducing the time required for ​these trials.

Recent advancements in quantum computing have shown ​promising results,‌ with generative⁣ models outperforming classical models in tasks like‌ generating‌ viable cancer drug candidates. Insilico Medicine, Zapata AI, and the University of Toronto have demonstrated the capabilities of⁢ quantum hardware in enhancing AI models.

2024-06-29 03:15:02
Link from⁤ www.computerworld.com

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