Universal and Illuminations’ latest animated film revolves around a family of ducks who make the bold decision to leave their safe New England pond for an exciting journey to Jamaica. However, their well-planned adventure takes an unexpected turn when they become lost and find themselves in the bustling streets of New York City.
Disney has relinquished its hold on the animation crown, which Universal has now claimed.
With the release of “Migration” this Friday, Universal aims to solidify its position.
“Migration,” a comedic story about a family of New England ducks who venture from their pond to Jamaica but end up in New York City, is projected to earn $25 million during its domestic debut. Universal has more conservative estimates, anticipating ticket sales between $10 million and $15 million for the film’s opening.
While this may not match the $100 million-plus debuts of Illumination/Universal’s “The Super Mario Bros. Movie” and the latest ”Minions” film, it is comparable to the performance of the studio and DreamWorks Animation’s “Puss in Boots: The Last Wish,” which was shown in…
2023-12-22 19:08:16
Article from www.cnbc.com