Understanding and embracing intercultural tensions and differences in teams

Understanding and embracing intercultural tensions and differences in teams

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain

“Teamwork makes the dream work.” It’s a popular phrase used to describe the merits of working in teams to get things done. When applied successfully, creating and collaborating with coworkers can produce results that surpass a single individual’s contribution.

In the past, teams were mostly homogeneous because this was the makeup of most organizations in the U.S. Today, teams are more diverse, and organizations can reap the benefits that individuals with different ethnicities and cultures bring to the table.
But not all teams are more collaborative because of their multicultural makeup. In fact, these differences may produce tensions and an inability to see the other side, creating barriers that would otherwise enable teams to foster creativity and information elaboration—the process of verbally expressing and exchanging information and viewpoints, and elaborating on these ideas. On the other hand, if a team downplays these differences, it could stifle constructive dialogue and creativity.
How does a team of individuals from different backgrounds coalesce by using their differences to their advantage rather than allowing them to inhibit information elaboration and creativity?
That’s the question posed by two researchers, Christina Shalley and Pier Vittorio Mannucci, in their paper “Embracing multicultural tensions: How team members’ multicultural paradox mindsets foster team information elaboration and creativity,” published by Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process, in November 2022.

The multicultural paradox mindset

According to Shalley, Sharon M. and Matthew R. Price Chair, and professor of Organizational Behavior at the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business, one or more team members need to have a multicultural…

2023-02-03 09:52:03 Understanding and embracing intercultural tensions and differences in teams
Link from phys.org The world has become increasingly globalized, enabling greater linguistic and cultural diversity in the workplace. This changing environment has created unique challenges for managers and colleagues alike. Understanding and embracing intercultural tensions and differences in teams can be a powerful tool for enhancing productivity, collaboration, and success.

In order to create and sustain successful team dynamics, it is essential to create an environment where everyone feels comfortable and supported. This requires an appreciation and understanding of the differences present in intercultural settings. In order to better understand and embrace those differences, it is important to explore the specific nuances of each culture. This examination of cultural norms, etiquette, faith, and language, among other areas, can shed light and provide insight into the reasons for any friction that may arise.

It is also important to use effective communication and collaboration techniques and strive to be as inclusive as possible. When potential tensions begin to arise, offering a listening ear and fostering a safe environment will allow for everyone to be heard and respected. Additionally, open and honest dialogue helps build trust and understanding across cultures. When team members feel like their culture, language, faith, and other forms of diversity are being cherished, the atmosphere for positive interaction is heightened.

Society is ever-evolving and the workplace is no exception. With the increased importance of intercultural teamwork, organizations must be prepared to address and consider the challenges and opportunities that diverse teams bring. An understanding of the underlying cultural tensions and differences within a team can help create a healthier, more productive and cooperative workplace. When those differences are embraced and respected, team members can achieve their goals and operate at their highest potential.

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