Uncovering the Mystery of Ötzi the Iceman’s Ancient Tattoos

Uncovering the Mystery of Ötzi the Iceman’s Ancient Tattoos

An unconventional ‍experiment has‌ challenged a​ widely ‍held​ belief about the tattoos of ​Ötzi the Iceman. Archaeologist‍ Aaron Deter-Wolf and his team have discovered that the traditional assumption about how Ötzi was tattooed is incorrect. ⁣Their study, published in the European‌ Journal​ of Archaeology, reveals that a hand-held, ⁢single-pointed tool was used ‍to create the tattoos, ​rather than the ​previously believed method. This technique, known⁤ as “hand-poke” tattooing, has been ​practiced in nonindustrialized ‌cultures around the world​ for centuries. To test their findings, Deter-Wolf collaborated with professional ‍tattooists to recreate​ Ötzi’s tattoos using traditional methods.

2024-04-05 09:30:00
Link from www.sciencenews.org

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