Uncovering the Astonishing Aging Process of Materials: A Breakthrough by Physicists

Uncovering the Astonishing Aging Process of Materials: A Breakthrough by Physicists

Researchers in Darmstadt are ​delving into the aging processes of materials and have made a ‌groundbreaking discovery. They have successfully ‍measured the ⁢internal clock of glass for the first time, uncovering a surprising phenomenon during their data analysis.

They found that the ⁤movements of molecules in glass or plastic ⁢are reversible when observed‍ from a specific ⁤perspective, challenging the ‍notion of ⁣irreversible aging in materials. This revelation has been detailed in a publication by Till Böhmer’s team at the ⁤Institute for Condensed Matter Physics at the Technical ​University of Darmstadt in Nature ⁤Physics.

Glasses⁣ and plastics are composed of a complex network of ⁣molecules that are constantly in motion, leading to changes ⁣in material properties over time. This perpetual quest for a more favorable energetic state⁣ contributes to⁢ the aging of glass and plastic.

The team’s findings shed light on⁤ the fundamental nature of aging in materials, offering new insights ‍into the behavior of glass and plastic at the molecular level.

2024-01-27 14:41:03
Post from phys.org

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