Uncovering a Hidden Lineage: Ancient DNA Reveals New Insights into Neandertals

Uncovering a Hidden Lineage: Ancient DNA Reveals New Insights into Neandertals

Recent research suggests that ⁤Neandertals⁣ took different‍ evolutionary paths before their extinction 40,000 years ‍ago. The discovery of a potentially long-lasting, ‍isolated Neandertal ‌population in southwestern Europe indicates a complex evolutionary history similar to modern humans. This finding⁤ was ⁤highlighted by paleogeneticist Carles Lalueza-Fox from the ‍Institute of Evolutionary Biology in Barcelona.

An archaeological team led by Ludovic Slimak and Martin Sikora discovered the remains of a ‍Neandertal nicknamed Thorin in France. Thorin’s remains​ were⁢ found at Grotte Mandrin rock shelter and date back between 50,000 and 42,000 years ago according to various dating methods. ⁤The study was published on September 11 in Cell Genomics.

Date: 2024-09-11 10:00:00
Source: www.sciencenews.org

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