UN Urges Russia to Provide Medical Care for Political Prisoner Igor Baryshnikov, Jailed for Spreading False Information about War

UN Urges Russia to Provide Medical Care for Political Prisoner Igor Baryshnikov, Jailed for Spreading False Information about War

The UN Human Rights Committee‌ has ordered Russian authorities to provide ‌proper ​medical care⁢ to political prisoner Igor Baryshnikov, ensuring his life and mental health‌ are protected. This directive was issued on August 14 and reported by “OVD-Info” through Baryshnikov’s lawyer Maria Bontsler.

“Russia must ​uphold Baryshnikov’s life during the ⁢review⁤ of his case. We await their‌ response,” stated Bontsler.

Earlier, on August 11, the ⁤defense requested urgent action from the committee regarding Baryshnikov. They ⁣asked Russia⁤ to perform a necessary operation, provide pain relief, conduct cancer tests, and share the results with him.

Since March, Baryshnikov has been delaying surgery that would eliminate the need ‍for ‌a cystostomy tube in ⁤his bladder.

In June, Igor Baryshnikov was sentenced‌ to 7 years‌ and 6 ⁣months ⁢in prison for Facebook posts criticizing Russian army actions in Ukraine. Following his imprisonment, his elderly ⁣mother passed away ‍while ‌under guardianship.

Link from theins.ru

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