UN Commission Accuses Israel and Palestinian Factions of Committing War Crimes

UN Commission Accuses Israel and Palestinian Factions of Committing War Crimes

A recent investigation conducted by a United Nations-supported commission has revealed that both Israel and⁣ Palestinian groups ⁣have been involved in war crimes during the intense conflict in⁣ Gaza. The commission also ​pointed fingers at⁣ Israel for committing “crimes against humanity.”

Released on ‌Wednesday,‌ the dual reports ⁤by the ⁤independent‌ Commission of Inquiry (COI) shed light on the actions of both Israel and Palestinian ‍groups, marking‌ the UN’s first comprehensive probe into the events ⁤since October⁢ 7. Accusations⁣ of indiscriminate ⁤killings and sexual violence have been​ leveled against both⁤ sides.

The use of the term “crimes‍ against humanity,”‌ particularly in reference to Israel, signifies the gravity of the situation, reserved for the most severe international crimes carried out as part of a widespread or systematic assault on civilians.

Based ⁢on accounts ⁣from victims⁢ and‍ witnesses, submissions, satellite imagery, medical reports, and‌ verified open-source information, ⁢the findings have sparked immediate backlash from​ Israel, further straining⁣ relations between the Israeli government and international bodies.

Established by the UN Human Rights Council in 2021, the commission is⁢ scheduled to present the reports to the council next week, ⁤covering the period from the ‌initial ⁢attack on⁣ southern Israel by Palestinian groups on October 7 until the conclusion of 2023.


The report detailing‌ Israel’s actions outlines acts such as forced starvation, murder, collective⁤ punishment, and deliberate attacks ⁤on‍ civilians.‍ It highlights “a widespread or systematic assault on the civilian population in Gaza” by the Israeli military.

According to a statement from the ⁢COI, “The⁢ significant civilian casualties in Gaza ‍and extensive destruction of civilian structures ‍and⁤ infrastructure were the inevitable outcomes of a strategy aimed at causing ​maximum harm,⁣ disregarding principles of distinction, proportionality, and necessary⁣ precautions.”

“The crimes against humanity of extermination; murder; gender persecution targeting Palestinian⁣ men ‌and boys; forcible transfer;…

Post from www.aljazeera.com

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