Uman Mother Remains Optimistic About Finding Her Children Following Russian Assault

Uman Mother Remains Optimistic About Finding Her Children Following Russian Assault

In UMAN, Ukraine, Inna was left staring at the remains of her home on Friday after a Russian rocket hit her nine-story apartment building before dawn. The building’s facade was blown off, leaving Inna to wonder if her children, 17-year-old Kyrylo and 11-year-old Sophia, had been carried away by the blast. Her husband, Dmytro, rushed to the kids’ room but found only a cloud of fire and smoke. Inna and their youngest child, a 6-year-old boy, were unharmed in another room. Dmytro was left in shock, unsure of whether to search for his older children or help his wife and youngest child out of the house. He ultimately ran out of the building, leaving rescue crews to search through the rubble.

A psychologist on the scene is helping those affected by the attack.

2023-04-28 11:32:39
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