Timeless Investments: 3 Stocks to Hold for a Lifetime

Timeless Investments: 3 Stocks to Hold for a Lifetime

When building ‍a portfolio, it’s essential to include some ‌”forever” stocks – companies that are ​worth holding onto for the‌ long term. These stocks⁣ are like heirlooms, passed down through generations, and ​can be the foundation‍ of lasting ​wealth. So, what are these types of stocks?⁣ Let’s take a look at three that I believe fit the ​bill.

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Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) ‍is a tech giant that I consider a forever stock for three key reasons.

First, Amazon’s relentless focus⁤ on the customer, ​which has been a⁤ core value since⁣ its founding by Jeff Bezos. Second, its commitment to innovation, evident in its fulfillment‍ network and cloud computing services. Lastly, its consistent delivery ⁣of shareholder value.

2024-01-21 03:35:00
Article from finance.yahoo.com

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