Through strip clubs, a French photographer presents an unconventional perspective of the United States.

Through strip clubs, a French photographer presents an unconventional perspective of the United States.

Written by Megan C. Hills, CNN

French photographer François Prost embarked on a unique road trip across America, seeking out nearly 150 strip clubs with names like Pleasures, Temptations, and Cookies N’ Cream. However, Prost’s focus was not on the nude women but on the buildings themselves, specifically their often-colorful facades. His resulting book, “Gentlemen’s Club,” charts his route across the US, capturing everything from the pastel hues of Florida’s Club Pink Pussycat to venues hiding in plain sight in the country’s more religious states.

“I’d divide these venues into two types: One is very integrated into the public…

2023-03-06 09:13:40
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