The Vanishing Act of Joe Biden’s Defense Secretary

The Vanishing Act of Joe Biden’s Defense Secretary

Joe Biden’s disappearing defence secretary

IT IS A‌ busy time in the Pentagon. A‍ vital‍ aid package for Ukraine hangs in ⁣the ⁢political balance. The war in Gaza threatens to‍ spread to Lebanon. America’s navy has been blowing up hostile‌ boats in the Red Sea. It ‌was thus a particularly awkward time for the country’s defence secretary to vanish​ for several days, unbeknown to Joe Biden, America’s president, ⁣or much of the Pentagon itself.

Mr ‌Austin, a burly and taciturn retired general who has been Mr Biden’s defence secretary for three years, was admitted‍ to hospital on December 22nd for an unspecified elective procedure. ‍After experiencing⁤ “severe”‌ pain on January 1st he was ‍rushed to an intensive care unit in Walter Reed hospital in ‌Maryland, a military facility​ which treats American troops‌ and presidents. For five⁤ days he ‌was out of action, resuming work from his hospital bed only on the evening of January 5th. As this article was published,⁤ Mr Austin remained at‌ Walter Reed.

It is not unusual for cabinet secretaries to take medical ⁤leave. What is strange is the manner of Mr Austin’s vanishing act. Mr​ Biden, the commander-in-chief, Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser, and other staff in the White House did not​ learn of Mr Austin’s hospitalisation until three days later, on January 4th. Nor did Kathleen Hicks, Mr Austin’s deputy, despite having been asked to assume some of his duties on January 2nd from her holiday in Puerto Rico (without being told why, it seems).

2024-01-08 13:06:09
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