The US-China Chip War Threatens Taiwan’s ‘Silicon Shield

The US-China Chip War Threatens Taiwan’s ‘Silicon Shield

In a recent⁣ appearance at the New York Times Dealbook ‍conference, Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang said there are dozens of well-funded companies in‍ China trying to build their own GPUs as an alternative to‌ Nvidia’s​ now that the US trade rules mean its best GPUs are ‌not available in the ​country.

For China,⁢ these restrictions are an annoyance. But for‌ Taiwan, this is ‍a much bigger problem.

As the⁣ world craves advanced semiconductors, the phrase “silicon shield” has‍ entered the political vernacular.

The phrase comes from the belief that China might avoid invading Taiwan to ⁤protect its⁤ vital semiconductor chip supply ‍– China is Taiwan’s largest trading partner and is wholly reliant on ​these chips as much as the rest of the world⁣ – while⁤ Taiwan’s allies, especially the US, the‌ EU,‍ and⁤ Japan would defend it to prevent the disruption of Taiwan ⁢Semiconductor (TSMC)​ chip production, crucial for both geopolitical and economic reasons.

China may have the military ‍might to pull off an invasion, but ‍Taiwan has the economic importance to make it‌ so painful Beijing would‍ reconsider, the logic ‌goes.

“Restricting China’s​ access to‌ advanced American technology would just encourage Beijing to use their vast ‌pools of venture capital and brightest minds from institutions to de-couple, akin to a ⁣‘Manhattan Project’ for China,” said Jason Hsu a senior ​research fellow ‍at Harvard’s ⁣Ash Center and former‌ legislator from Taiwan.

US faces formidable competition from China

Recently, Nvidia’s Huang said that ​Huawei ​is among‍ the “very formidable” competitors his company has from China.

Hsu sees a crack ​in Taiwan’s silicon shield, and while he‌ doesn’t believe a ​cross-strait conflict is likely anytime soon, the tool for deterrence isn’t as‍ strong as⁢ it‌ once was.

The US, in Hsu’s opinion, should allow​ China to use these chips as a calculated risk,⁤ one that offers the‌ US strategic insights and‌ a chance to influence China towards peaceful ‍utilization.

China’s race ⁢to develop​ –⁤ and eventually ​beat‌ –⁢ Nvidia‌ at AI chips has ‍some precedence. In 2015, Washington’s move to block Intel from selling Xeon chips to Chinese supercomputer projects added fuel to the fire of Beijing’s efforts to build indigenous processor architectures.

In 2016, China unveiled the world’s fastest supercomputer⁢ – all made without US chips.

“Chinese tech standards might dominate emerging markets, projecting their power to countries that rely on their economic ‌or technology‍ support, which potentially undermines ⁤American interests,” Hsu noted.

US officials‍ are scheduled to ‍visit Taiwan⁣ later in December to explain new chip rules, according to reports,‌ and Taiwan’s economics minister recently reminded local ‌firms⁣ to do more to be compliant with these rules.

Hsu would like ⁣to see Taiwan have a bigger seat at‌ the table regarding rules around chips,‍ and talks with the US to ‍be bilateral, not unilateral.

“Taiwan’s relationship with the US…

2023-12-11 04:41:03
Original from rnrn

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