The pursuit of Mac-iness: 10+ gifts to pros in macOS Sonoma

The latest operating system for Macs, macOS Sonoma, is available now. Most Mac experts seem to be focused on the introduction of widgets, better screensavers, and much improved support for games, but there are some really useful productivity-boosting tools for enterprise pros packed inside.

Here’s some to get you started:

Command-Space gains new powers

The most powerful keyboard combination on the Mac gets even more invincible in Sonoma. The operating system has improved its support for quick actions from within Spotlight. To do so, it uses machine intelligence in the form of data detectors. This means that when you type phone numbers, email addresses, dates, or times into the search bar, you’ll be offered quick actions, such as calling the number, sending an email, creating contacts or calendar events.

Lockdown Mode — you need it, but don’t want it

In a perfect world, we wouldn’t need Lockdown Mode. In this imperfect world, characterized by state-sponsored surveillance, we do. Apple has improved this protection with new network security protections designed to protect against sophisticated attacks. You can also lock down your Apple Watch, which makes sense when you think about it. Sure, you need to be a high-value target, but as these attacks proliferate and get cheaper to run, it’s good to know Lockdown Mode is there.

Notes continues to improve

PDF support in Notes means you can use those spaces as highly interactive project management collections, creating links between notes to connect ideas and content. With a new files and folder structure, Notes is becoming a deep way to handle a multitude of content for numerous tasks. You’ve been able to lock these notes for some time, so the space is becoming seriously useful as a collaborative environment.

Additional Notes improvements include block quote formatting, monostyled text, and the ability to create a Pages document from directly within your Note.

The Mac’s PDF handling gets better every year

PDF improvements aren’t just held inside Notes. Sonoma brings intelligent form detection, which lets you more easily work with PDF forms across your system. Enhanced AutoFill will let you fill in those forms more swiftly thanks to improved data detectors and on-device language models.

On device collaboration improved with Freeform

Freeform is a fantastic environment for project management and collaboration. Available across every Apple device and frankly a good candidate for wider cross-platform support, Freeform lets teams work together visually. What’s new? Quite a lot, among other things you get much better diagramming and flowchart creation tools and can share content into your Freeform boards from other apps using the Share menu.

People you are working with can also follow you more easily as you move around the board. (And don’t neglect the improved support for 3D objects in the environment, what could this be for?)

Password sharing – not just for…

2023-09-28 00:00:03
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