The Mysterious Partner of a Pulsar Leaves Astronomers Baffled

The Mysterious Partner of a Pulsar Leaves Astronomers Baffled

There is a⁤ mysterious entity circling around a pulsar in our galaxy,⁣ and scientists are ⁣unsure if it is ​a ⁣very ⁢heavy neutron star,⁢ one ⁤of⁢ the lightest black holes ever discovered, or an exotic and never-before-seen quasi-stellar object. ⁢By analyzing the beams’ arrival on ​Earth, researchers can deduce the existence⁢ of anything perturbing the pulsar’s motion. The ticks of a particular pulsar, known as PSR J0514−4002E, revealed that it ‌has an ​invisible companion weighing between about 2.1 and 2.7 times the ​mass of the sun, potentially making it too heavy to be a⁢ neutron star. However, the​ exact ​nature of‌ this object remains unknown. Researchers hope to determine‍ its true nature and use it to⁤ probe matter in similarly extreme objects.

2024-01-18 14:00:00
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