The Hotel Resembling Enormous Swords: Raffles and Fairmont Doha

The Hotel Resembling Enormous Swords: Raffles and Fairmont Doha

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In Qatar, a country where the subway has a business class compartment and Friday brunch is a competitive sport, opulence is a mere baseline.

For a new hotel to really stand out here, its designers have to do something incredibly dramatic – like spend five years erecting a brand new building in the shape of the country’s national crest.

This new addition to the Doha skyline is called Katara Towers and is divided between two hotel brands, the Fairmont and the Raffles. Each occupies one half of the 300,000 square meter building, which is designed to resemble a pair of Qatari crossed scimitars.

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2023-03-23 07:08:46

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