The Hospitals of Ukraine are Under Attack by Russia

The Hospitals of Ukraine are Under Attack by Russia

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What Tactics Has Russia Used to Target Ukraine’s Hospitals?


The healthcare sector in Ukraine has been severely impacted by the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russian-backed separatists. Hospitals and medical facilities have been targeted, not just as a result of the direct violence of the war, but also as part of a targeted strategy by Russia to weaken Ukraine’s healthcare infrastructure and prevent it from effectively responding to the conflict and its aftermath.

Attacks on Hospitals

Russian forces and separatist groups have damaged or destroyed dozens of hospitals in Ukraine in recent years. This has resulted in serious consequences for the country’s health system, with many hospitals and medical facilities struggling to keep up with demand for care.

One particularly brutal attack occurred in 2014, when a missile strike on a hospital in the town of Kramatorsk, in eastern Ukraine, killed 11 patients. Since then, there have been hundreds of similar attacks on hospitals and clinics across the country.

Targeted Attacks on Healthcare Workers

Healthcare workers in Ukraine have also been targeted in attacks. Doctors, nurses, and paramedics have been killed or abducted, and ambulances and other medical vehicles have been destroyed.

These attacks have made it difficult for healthcare workers to provide care to those who need it, and have also had a chilling effect on doctors and nurses, who worry about their own safety and security.

The Impact on Patients

The attacks on hospitals and healthcare workers have had a devastating impact on patients in Ukraine. Many people who would have previously been able to access healthcare services are now unable to do so, either because medical facilities have been destroyed or because healthcare workers are too scared to work in certain areas.

This has led to a significant increase in preventable deaths in Ukraine, as well as a rise in diseases and health conditions that could have been easily treated if medical care was available.

A Strategy of War

The targeting of hospitals and healthcare workers is not accidental or incidental to the conflict in Ukraine. It is a deliberate strategy by Russia to weaken Ukraine’s healthcare infrastructure and make it more difficult for the country to respond to the conflict and its aftermath.

This strategy is part of a broader effort by Russia to destabilize Ukraine and undermine its sovereignty, and it has had a profound impact on the lives of millions of people in Ukraine.


The attacks on hospitals and healthcare workers in Ukraine are not just a tragedy for the individuals who have been impacted by them, but a serious threat to the country’s health system and its ability to respond to the ongoing conflict and its aftermath. It is important for the international community to recognize this strategy of war and take action to prevent further attacks on Ukraine’s healthcare infrastructure.


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