The full buck moon will rise next month: What to know

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Why is July’s full ⁢moon called the buck moon and what does it symbolize

The Full Buck Moon Will Rise Next Month: What to Know


The full buck moon, also⁣ known as the July‌ Full Moon, is an astronomical event eagerly awaited by sky enthusiasts around the world. As the moon reaches its full ‍phase, ‍it ⁢illuminates the night sky ‍with its mesmerizing glow. ‍In this⁤ article, we will delve‍ into ‍the significance of the full buck moon and explore some interesting aspects associated with​ it.

Origin of the Name

The term “buck moon” originates from ancient cultures, particularly Native American​ tribes, who named each month’s full moon based on the natural occurrences‌ or events happening during that time. The July Full Moon was named the “buck moon” due to⁢ the fact that it coincided ⁤with the period when male deer start growing their antlers.

What to Expect

When the full buck moon graces‌ the sky, stargazers can anticipate a breathtaking sight. ​The moon will appear larger ‍and brighter, ⁢casting a gentle glow upon the Earth. This phenomenon ⁢occurs as the moon⁣ reaches the point⁣ in its elliptical‍ orbit where it is closest to our planet, known‍ as perigee. Although ⁤the moon doesn’t ‌actually change in size,⁢ its proximity creates an optical illusion that makes it appear ‍larger to us.

Notable Events

In addition to its magnificent appearance, the full buck moon has​ other noteworthy associations. For those who enjoy wildlife, it is ⁣an excellent time for observing deer⁤ in their natural ‌habitat. The bucks can be seen with their newly grown antlers, displaying their strength and vigour. Similarly, ⁢other nocturnal creatures, such as owls and bats, may become more active during this lunar ⁣phase.

The full buck moon also holds cultural significance for various tribal​ traditions and rituals. Some communities organize gatherings or ceremonies to honor the moon and the nature surrounding it. ⁢It is a time of spiritual reflection and gratitude for the abundance provided by the land and its creatures.


The full buck moon, a celestial event carrying historical and cultural significance, offers us the opportunity to marvel at the wonders of the night sky and connect⁤ with the natural world. Whether you are an amateur astronomer, a nature lover, or simply seeking to enrich your understanding⁣ of the cosmos, don’t miss the chance to experience the enchantment of the ⁤full buck moon⁣ next month.

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