The Economist’s agony uncle makes a comeback

The Economist’s agony uncle makes a comeback

The return of The Economist’s agony⁢ uncle

Dear Max, I am a 23-year-old social-media marketer ⁣who has only recently been required to ‍return to​ the office. I ⁤had been told that the office would be great for having watercooler conversations. My office doesn’t seem to have a watercooler. What should I do?

Now you ask,⁢ I’m not really even sure what a⁢ watercooler is. ​But the basic​ idea is⁤ to find a place where you know colleagues are ‍bound to go regularly⁣ and where you can engage⁣ in light conversation about whether they saw anything good on TV last‌ night. My advice is to hang around any‍ tap and ⁢you should meet colleagues ⁢fairly regularly.

I⁤ have just been promoted ‍into ‍a senior role. I have⁣ noticed that many of my new peers like to​ open meetings with‍ small personal anecdotes about ⁢something that⁤ happened to them that day—a minor cycling accident, say, or‌ a chance encounter with an⁢ old acquaintance.⁣ It ⁤seems to be a way of getting⁣ people‍ to relax⁤ a bit. The trouble is that ‌nothing interesting ‌ever seems to happen to me.⁣ What ​should I do?

2023-12-20 08:42:15
Original ‌from​

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