The Disappointing Impact of American Journalism on Readers and Voters

The Disappointing Impact of American Journalism on Readers and Voters

How American journalism lets down⁤ readers ⁢and voters

TO HEAL ⁤THE rifts in ⁣American ⁣politics in the lead-up⁤ to next year’s crucial election, American journalism urgently⁣ needs renewal. Instead, in much of‍ the mainstream media, journalism is in the grip of an illiberal bias. That includes the ⁤ New York ⁣Times, which is best-placed of any of the country’s newspapers to establish a common set of facts and frame⁤ of debate.

In an essay James Bennet, The Economist’s Lexington columnist, and a former editorial-page editor of⁤ the⁣ New York⁣ Times, argues that its pledge to ‍pursue the news “without fear or favour” ‌is‍ no longer being honoured. Neither is the ⁤promise of the ⁢paper ‍to “invite intelligent discussion from all shades of opinion”. Instead, pressure ⁣from left-leaning journalists and commercial staff who “do not believe readers can be trusted with potentially ⁤dangerous ideas or facts” is undermining the Times’s claims to independence.

For the Times to assert that it plays by the same rules it always has “is to commit a hypocrisy that is transparent to conservatives,⁤ dangerous to liberals and bad for the country as⁣ a whole,” Mr Bennet writes. “It ‍makes⁣ the Times too easy for conservatives to dismiss and too easy for progressives to ​believe. The reality is that the Times is becoming the⁤ publication through which America’s⁤ progressive elite talks to ⁢itself about an America that ​does not really exist.”

2023-12-14 04:32:09
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