The Deadly Effects of Heat: A Silent Killer for Your Body

The Deadly Effects of Heat: A Silent Killer for Your Body

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​ ⁤ A ⁣man ⁢refreshing himself by pouring cold water on his head during a scorching day in the Mediterranean Sea in Beirut, Lebanon, on July 16, 2023. The ​rising ⁣temperatures and ​humidity levels can ​turn ⁣into a critical struggle within ‍the human body, where a ⁢few degrees can determine life⁤ or death. Credit: AP Photo/Hassan Ammar, File
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When temperatures and humidity levels rise,‍ the human body faces a life-threatening challenge that can be determined by ​just a slight change in temperature.

Recent ‍research has shown ‌that the threshold for illness and fatalities due to extreme heat⁤ is⁤ lower than previously‌ believed, as⁣ experts conducted experiments exposing ⁣individuals to high temperatures to observe the ⁢effects.

As⁤ heatwaves plague​ regions like the United States, Mexico, India, and the Middle East, exacerbated by ⁢climate change, medical professionals⁢ and experts shed light​ on the impact of extreme heat on the human body.

The‍ body’s normal core temperature hovers around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37‌ degrees Celsius).

According to ⁣Ollie ‌Jay, a heat and health professor ⁢at the University of Sydney,​ a⁣ mere 7 degrees ⁤(4 Celsius) separate⁣ this baseline⁢ from the dangerous territory of heatstroke.

Dr. Neil Gandhi, the director of ⁢emergency medicine at Houston ‌Methodist Hospital, emphasized that during heatwaves, individuals⁤ presenting ‍with a fever of 102 degrees or higher⁣ without an apparent cause⁣ may be at risk of heat exhaustion⁢ or heatstroke.

2024-06-21 19:15:02
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