The Crucial Role of Permafrost in Regulating Arctic Rivers and Storing Carbon

The Crucial Role of Permafrost in Regulating Arctic Rivers and Storing Carbon

A groundbreaking study from Dartmouth ‍College ‌has revealed⁤ that the ​frozen soil ‌in the Arctic is the primary force shaping the northernmost⁤ rivers on Earth. The permafrost,‌ a thick layer of soil that remains frozen for two or⁢ more years, is responsible for confining Arctic rivers⁤ to smaller areas and shallower valleys compared to rivers in ​warmer regions.⁢ This discovery, published in ‍the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, sheds ‌light on the significant impact of permafrost on the Earth’s landscape.

Lead⁢ author Joanmarie Del Vecchio, along with⁣ her advisors Marisa Palucis and Colin Meyer,‍ conducted the ⁤study to understand the tug of​ war between​ landscape-smoothing​ processes and ⁣river-carving forces. The findings suggest that the freezing and thawing ‌of permafrost play​ a crucial role in determining the outcome of this battle, with ‍potential implications⁢ for the release ⁢of carbon trapped in‍ the soil and its impact on the‍ environment.

The researchers‌ were inspired to investigate the phenomenon⁢ after observing the limited river area in Arctic watersheds ​during fieldwork in Alaska. Del Vecchio’s realization that ‌the hillslopes appeared to⁢ be prevailing over the river channels sparked the idea⁣ for the study, which was made possible by recent ‍advancements in surface and digital elevation data.

2024-02-02 02:00:05
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