The Century-Long Journey to Solve a Challenging Math Problem

The Century-Long Journey to Solve a Challenging Math Problem

We’ve all been there: staring at a problem.html” title=”The Century-Long Journey to Solve a Challenging Math Problem”>math test with a problem that‌ seems impossible to solve. What if finding the solution to a problem took almost a century? For mathematicians who dabble in Ramsey theory, this is very much the case. In fact, little⁢ progress ​had been made in solving ‍Ramsey problems since the 1930s.

Now, University of California San Diego researchers Jacques Verstraete and Sam Mattheus have found the answer to r(4,t), a‌ longstanding Ramsey problem that ‌has perplexed ⁣the math world for decades.

In mathematical parlance, a graph​ is a series of points⁢ and the lines⁣ in between those points. Ramsey theory suggests that if the graph is large enough, you’re‌ guaranteed to find some kind of order within it—either a set ⁢of‌ points with no lines between them or a set of points with all possible lines between them (these sets are called “cliques”). This is written as r(s,t) where s are the points with lines ‌and t are the points without lines.

To those of us​ who don’t deal in graph​ theory, the⁣ most well-known Ramsey problem, ‍r(3,3), is sometimes called “the theorem⁤ on friends and strangers” and ⁢is explained ​by way⁢ of a party: in a group of six people, you ‍will find at least three people who all know each other or three people who all don’t know each‌ other. The answer to r(3,3)‍ is six.

“It’s a fact of nature, an absolute truth,” Verstraete states. “It ⁢doesn’t ⁣matter what the situation is or which six people you pick—you will find three people ‍who all know each other‌ or⁤ three ‍people ‌who all don’t know each other. You may be able to ​find more, but you are guaranteed that there ​will⁣ be at least three in one clique or the other.”

2023-10-31 ⁤17:00:04
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