Supreme Court Delivers a Varied Verdict in the Prosecution of Turkey’s Halkbank

Supreme Court Delivers a Varied Verdict in the Prosecution of Turkey’s Halkbank

The Supreme Court has issued a mixed decision on whether the federal government can prosecute a state-owned bank in Turkey for allegedly helping Iran evade US-imposed sanctions. The court rejected the bank’s main arguments, which were based on federal laws that the bank claimed prohibited prosecutions of foreign nations and their controlled companies. However, the case has been sent back to an appeals court for further consideration of another potential defense, drawing criticism from two dissenting justices for failing to issue a definitive ruling. The case involved a multiyear scheme by the bank, known as Halkbank, to launder billions of dollars of Iranian oil and natural gas proceeds. The case strained relations between the US and Turkey and prompted top Justice Department officials in the Trump administration to try to disrupt the prosecution. Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, writing for seven justices, rejected the…

2023-04-19 13:02:42
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