Straightening Curved Space-Time: An Approach

Straightening Curved Space-Time: An Approach

One of the greatest challenges of modern physics⁣ is to find a coherent method for describing ‍phenomena, on the cosmic and⁣ microscale. For over‍ a hundred⁢ years, ​to describe reality on a cosmic scale we have been using general relativity ‌theory, which has ‍successfully undergone repeated attempts at falsification.

To describe ​phenomena on the scale of atoms, we use the second great theory: quantum mechanics, which ⁤differs from ⁣general relativity in basically ⁢everything. It uses⁢ flat space-time and a completely different mathematical apparatus, ⁣and most importantly, perceives reality radically differently.

In the‍ quantum description, the​ phenomena‌ around us are ⁢only wavering probabilities of events that we can only measure with ‌limited accuracy.

In an article, ⁢published in Frontiers in ​Physics, I managed to​ demonstrate that there is a method that combines the above descriptions, although ‌it leads‍ to quite a⁤ surprising conclusion.

It turns out that there is ​a certain mathematical object called the Alena⁢ Tensor, which ‍allows the‌ description of physical phenomena in such a ⁣way that ⁣the curvature of ⁣space-time can be smoothly adjusted as if ⁢using a slider. In curved space-time, ⁤equation‍ naturally transforms into Einstein Field Equations, and in flat ‍space-time it allows the use of classical methods‍ of relativistic physics and, most importantly, ‍it is subject to quantum description.

2024-01-06 01:00:03
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