Spotted a UFO? There’s an App for That

Spotted a UFO? There’s an App for That

mobile sightings

Spotted a UFO? There’s an App for That!

Have you ever seen something in the night sky that looked like it might not be from Earth? Have you ever wondered what it could be? Well there’s an app for that!

The Unexplained-Universe UFO Reporting Mobile App

The Unexplained-Universe mobile app is the perfect way to document, track and report your unidentified flying object (UFO) sightings safely and securely. It’s fast and easy to use and encourages you to take detailed notes and photos to help build a database of UFO sightings that you and others can refer to.

Benefits of the UFO Reporting Mobile App

Using the UFO Reporting mobile app provides several benefits for those who have seen something unknown in the sky:


The Unexplained-Universe UFO Reporting mobile app is a great way to safely and securely document, track and report your unidentified flying object sightings. With detailed notes, photos and secure storage, users have a reliable way to keep track of their sightings. So if you see something in the sky that you can’t explain, there’s an app for that! With the recent reported upturn in UFO sighting incidences, technology has come to the rescue by developing an app specifically to help track and investigate these occurrences.

Chatter of UFO sightings is rarely far from discussion topics, typically fueled by news reports and posts on social media. This could explain why the most recent statistics from a recent survey conducted by the US-based National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) indicate a sharp uptick in such claims.

In an effort to further investigate these occurrences, an app development team has created a mobile application, “UFO Research,” designed to make the task of researching and tracking UFO activity easier. The app, the first of its kind, notifies users of the latest cases that are filed with NUFORC as well as providing access to archived cases.

The app also makes it easier for someone to become a legitimate UFO investigator. Using the app, users can file their own reports making them part of the greater body of UFO researchers. Additionally, they are able to file photographs and videos alongside their reports.

In a statement from the app’s development team, they state that their ultimate goal is to create a global tracking system for UFO sightings. This efficient resource for UFO researchers and enthusiasts allows for more comprehensive and accurate data to be gathered in an effort to better understand these phenomena and the people who purge up these claims.

Whether you’re a seasoned UFO investigator or a newbie, this app makes it easier to crowdsource your findings and become an active part of the UFO research community. So, if you think you’ve spotted something out of the ordinary, check out the app ‘UFO Research’.

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