Shorten Warns NDIS Must Not Be Exploited by Criminals; NSW Prepares for Severe Weather

Shorten Warns NDIS Must Not Be Exploited by Criminals; NSW Prepares for Severe Weather

Recent Updates:
– Wind warning issued for parts of NSW east coast
– NDIS minister emphasizes ​that disability scheme should not be used by criminals on parole
– Penny Wong expresses deep ⁣concern over proposed ground invasion ⁤in Rafah by ​Israel
– Wong highlights the importance of recognizing a ⁢Palestinian‍ state for achieving peace in the Middle East
– Opposition reacts to Wong’s ​speech advocating for Palestinian state recognition

In a‌ recent interview on ABC ‍RN, Penny ⁣Wong voiced her ⁢concerns about Israel’s potential ground invasion⁤ in Rafah, emphasizing the need to protect⁢ civilians⁣ in the‌ region.​ She ‌stressed the importance of upholding humanitarian standards in times of conflict.

Wong also ​reiterated her stance on recognizing a Palestinian state as a crucial step towards ​establishing lasting peace in the Middle East. She believes that security for Israel can only‌ be achieved through the‍ existence of a Palestinian state ‌alongside it.

The federal‍ opposition responded to Wong’s speech,⁣ acknowledging the ‍significance of ⁣recognizing a Palestinian state in breaking the cycle of ‍violence in the region. They ⁣echoed Wong’s sentiments on the necessity of‌ a two-state solution ‍for ensuring long-term security in the area.

For more details on these developments, you ⁣can refer to the full story on The Guardian’s website.

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