Scientists Trace Strongest Fast Radio Burst to Collision of Seven Galaxies

Scientists Trace Strongest Fast Radio Burst to Collision of Seven Galaxies

NEW ORLEANS — A mind-bogglingly strong spurt of electromagnetic energy has for the first time been‌ traced back to a cluster of seven merging galaxies. The finding could bolster the hypothesis that such mysterious flareups, ​known​ as ‍fast radio ⁢bursts, originate from bizarre, highly magnetized dead ‍stars called magnetars.
“We think‌ they’re caused by‍ some kind ⁢of very compact object,​ like​ a magnetar,” Alexa Gordon, an astronomer at Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill., said January 9 during a news conference at the American Astronomical Society’s annual meeting. Researchers⁣ previously spotted a magnetar in our galaxy producing an FRB, though nobody has shown ⁢that all ‍such bursts can be attributed to magnetars (SN: 6/4/20).
Using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, ​Gordon ⁢and her colleagues ⁢took a‍ closer look at where FRB 20220610A, the most powerful and distant FRB discovered to date, came from. The team was surprised to find a collection of⁢ seven galaxies located‍ 11 billion light-years from Earth, all crammed inside a region the size of the Milky Way.
“We expected some kind of monolithic spiral galaxy,” says Northwestern astronomer Wen-fai Fong. “It was kind of ‍a jarring image.”

2024-01-10 12:43:23
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