Scientists stress the importance of collaborative efforts at COP29 and COP16 to address climate and biodiversity crises

Scientists stress the importance of collaborative efforts at COP29 and COP16 to address climate and biodiversity crises

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain

Scientists from ZSL and York University are urging world leaders to seize a crucial opportunity to ‍address climate change and biodiversity loss in a coordinated manner. ‍Failing to do so could hinder progress in both areas. A recent paper published in the Journal of Applied Ecology outlines the need for ⁤a joint work program between the⁤ UNFCCC⁤ and CBD to effectively ‍tackle these interconnected crises.

The paper emphasizes the importance of addressing key issues​ and implementing recommendations to fulfill international ​commitments under the⁤ Paris Agreement and the Kunming-Montreal‍ Global ⁣Biodiversity Framework. Professor Nathalie Pettorelli, ‍a co-author ​of the paper and‍ researcher at ZSL’s Institute of Zoology, stresses the urgent ‍need for​ a unified global approach to combat climate change and biodiversity ⁤loss, highlighting the intrinsic link between the two.

The ‌upcoming UNFCCC⁣ and CBD conferences provide a unique opportunity to establish a‌ formal governance structure that promotes collaboration⁣ and integration between climate and biodiversity​ agendas. This integrated approach is essential for ‍stabilizing the climate and restoring nature.

2024-07-23 01:15:02
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