Scientists Decipher 57 Letters That Mary, Queen of Scots Wrote before Her Beheading

Scientists Decipher 57 Letters That Mary, Queen of Scots Wrote before Her Beheading

letters Queen

Mary, Queen of Scots’ Last Letters Deciphered by Scientists

The long-lost letters of Mary, Queen of Scots were recently revealed by scientists. The letters were written by Mary just before her 16th century beheading and provide an important insight into the significance of the Queen’s role in history.

Mysterious Letters Found in Scotland

The 57 letters were discovered tucked away in a chest of books at the historical museum in Scotland. Scientists had been attempting to decipher the letters for years, and due to advances in modern technology, they were finally able to make out the contents.

Contents of Mary’s Letters

The contents of the letters are initially believed to have to do with the political and religious unrest of the time, particularly in regards to Mary’s own Catholic faith. Additionally, the letters contain words of hope and resilience, as Mary was determined to face the challenges that came her way.

Significant Historical Context

The letters provide an important window into the beliefs and mindset of Mary, Queen of Scots, at a difficult moment in her life. Her resilience and determination in the face of danger provide an important insight into her role as a symbol of courage and strength.

Implications of the Discovery

The discovery of these letters proves to be a valuable example of how scientists are attempting to learn more about the past. Through this discovery, they are attempting to gain a greater understanding of events that led to the maturation of modern society.

The discovery of these letters emphasizes the dynamic and ever-changing nature of history. It serves to remind us that history is still being written through the ongoing actions of everyday people.


The letters of Mary, Queen of Scots provide an important insight into the significance of her role in history. Scientists have finally managed to make out the contents of the letters, and the implications of this discovery reveal much about the power of resilience and determination, as well as the need to explore the past in order to understand the significance of its lessons.
Scientists have recently deciphered 57 mysterious letters written by Mary, Queen of Scots before her beheading. The letters, which were sent from the queen to her supporters and family members, had been placed in the National Archives of Scotland for decades, but their contents had remained a mystery until now.

Using sophisticated software and an advanced imaging system, researchers from the University of Glasgow have managed to uncover the content of the letters. The letters, which date back to the 1580s, shed light on the final hours of the queen, her relationships, and her worries.

The letters reveal that Mary was worried about the loyalty of her subjects, but still had hope that she would survive her jailers. She also expressed her faith in her coreligionists and hoped that if she were to be beheaded, her death would, at least, be one that was “blessed by God”.

The letters were written in a type of code known as “Chiffrement delas” and were carefully hidden away in a chest of drawers in the archives. By using advanced software, the researchers were able to break the code and read the content of the letters.

The discovery is an important reminder of the complexity and importance of Mary’s life and her imprisonment under Queen Elizabeth I. The letters demonstrate Mary’s courage in the face of great tragedy and her commitment to her faith and her family.

It is hoped that the discovery of Mary’s letters will help historians to gain a better understanding of the period. The researchers plan to publish their findings in the near future and will be sharing their discoveries with the public.

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