Science reveals the secrets to giving a remarkable gift

Science reveals the secrets to giving a remarkable gift

‘Tis the season of giving. ‘Tis⁤ also the season of returning.
That return ‍frenzy arises, at least in‍ part, because people tend to make a lot‌ of mistakes when giving presents, says ‍Julian Givi, a marketing expert and psychologist who has been studying gifting practices, and when ⁤they go awry, for roughly⁣ a⁣ decade.
When⁤ Givi went into this line of research, he assumed ⁢that gift givers were simply⁣ motivated by a desire to please recipients.​ Not so much, ⁣he quickly discovered. Instead, people ⁤often give gifts⁤ that satisfy their own desires — for uniqueness, societal approval or⁣ as a⁣ gag‌ — rather than ⁣the ⁢desires ⁣of recipients, says Givi, of ‌West Virginia University in Morgantown.
In​ other words, people would be a ⁤whole lot better at ⁣giving gifts if ⁤they could just get their‍ own egos out ⁤of the way. Givi and colleagues reviewed research into all things gift giving in⁢ the July Journal of Consumer Psychology.

2023-12-22‍ 08:00:00
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