Satellite startup to enhance China’s hypersonic research

Satellite startup to enhance China’s hypersonic research

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The Role of Hypersonic Research in China’s Satellite Startup


China has been making significant strides in hypersonic technology, with the development of various missiles and planes that can travel at speeds greater than Mach 5.

However, in order to continue advancing in this field, China needs accurate testing and measurement data, which is where a new satellite startup comes in.

The Startup

The company, named Guoxing Aerospace, is based in Beijing and specializes in developing small satellites for scientific research.

Their latest project, the Hypersonic Satellite, is being designed to track and measure hypersonic vehicles during flight, providing engineers and scientists with critical data.

The Impact

The Hypersonic Satellite will give China an edge in hypersonic research, allowing them to gather accurate data in real-time and leading to potential breakthroughs in the technology.

It could also have broader applications beyond hypersonic research, potentially aiding in climate monitoring, disaster response, and more.


Guoxing Aerospace’s Hypersonic Satellite could be a game-changer for China’s hypersonic research, providing engineers and scientists with real-time data crucial for making advancements in the field.

As hypersonic technology continues to take center stage in global military and aviation industries, the Hypersonic Satellite could put China at the forefront of this emerging technology.

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