Russian forces closing in, Ukrainian defence of Bakhmut under severe pressure: Updates on Russia-Ukraine war

Russian forces closing in, Ukrainian defence of Bakhmut under severe pressure: Updates on Russia-Ukraine war

UK intelligence says Ukraine attempting to reinforce contested city with elite units but resupply lines increasingly limited

What we know on day 374 of the invasion

More from BBC Radio 4’s Today.

General Sir Richard Shirreff, Nato’s former deputy supreme allied commander Europe, told the programme that some countries view the conflict in Ukraine as a “European war”.

There are many countries, particularly Sub-Saharan Africa and other parts of the world where the battle of the narrative has not been won, and that’s something that I think the West absolutely need to focus on.

I think there needs to be a recognition that many of the impacts of the war are hitting particularly African countries and other parts of the world very hard and that support needs to be given… and avoid the perception this is very much seen as a European war.”

The Ukrainians have arguably achieved a strategic success thusfar in forcing the Russians to expend vast amounts of manpower and equipment in what…

2023-03-04 05:38:33
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Since the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has escalated into a full-blown war. Over the years, there had been intermittent clashes between the two countries, with Russia backing the separatists in eastern Ukraine. The situation, however, has taken a critical turn in recent weeks. The Russian forces have been closing in, and the Ukrainian defence of Bakhmut is under severe pressure.

Bakhmut is a strategic city located in the northern part of Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine. It has been a hotly contested area between Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed separatists. In recent days, there has been an escalation of hostilities, with reports of heavy shelling and clashes. The city’s population of around 80,000 people is caught in the middle of the conflict, with many civilians forced to flee the area.

The Ukrainian military has been defending Bakhmut from the Russian-backed separatists, but the situation has become increasingly difficult. On 27 June 2021, an attack by the separatists resulted in the death of four Ukrainian soldiers. The Ukrainian military has reported numerous shells and attacks on their positions, including the use of heavy artillery and drones.

The Russian military buildup on the Ukrainian border has been a cause for concern for the Ukrainian government and its allies. The Russian army has reportedly deployed around 100,000 troops and heavy equipment along the border, and there are fears that this could be the prelude to a major offensive.

The situation in Bakhmut is just one aspect of the broader conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The war has been going on for years, and thousands of people have been killed or displaced as a result. The conflict has also had significant economic consequences, with both countries suffering from the disruption to trade and foreign investment.

The international community has been watching the situation in Ukraine closely, with many countries condemning Russia’s actions. The European Union and the United States have imposed economic sanctions on Russia, while NATO has pledged its support for Ukraine.

In conclusion, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has escalated in recent weeks, with Russian forces closing in and the Ukrainian defence of Bakhmut under severe pressure. The situation is a cause for concern for the international community, and there are fears that it could lead to a major escalation in the conflict. The ongoing war between the two countries has already claimed thousands of lives and caused significant economic disruption, and it is essential that a peaceful resolution is found to end the suffering of the people caught in the conflict.

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