Review of AI market launched by UK competition regulator

Review of AI market launched by UK competition regulator

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) in the UK has initiated a preliminary review of the artificial intelligence (AI) systems market, focusing on the foundational large language models that power chatbots like ChatGPT, as well as the opportunities and risks that AI could present. The regulatory body will examine three key areas: how the competitive markets for foundational models and their use could evolve; the opportunities and risks these scenarios could bring for competition and consumer protection; and what guiding principles should be introduced to support competition and protect consumers as AI models develop. The review is in line with the UK government’s aim to support “open, competitive markets,” as outlined in a white paper published in March.

According to Alex Haffner, competition partner at London law firm Fladgate, the CMA is likely to gain a better understanding of how AI is impacting technological development, rather than taking any enforcement action against individual companies. However, the announcement reinforces the notion that the CMA is determined to use its powers as broadly as possible. Meanwhile, the UK’s outgoing chief scientific advisor, Sir Patrick Vallance, has warned the government about the widespread impact AI could have on the workforce, stating that the government needs to act to prevent widespread job losses. Vallance also said that the most immediate threat posed by AI was that it could “distort the perception of truth.”

The CMA’s review comes in the same week that Lina Khan, chairperson of the US Federal Trade Commission, expressed concern in an opinion piece in the New York Times that generative…

2023-05-17 00:00:04
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