Researchers decode 95.6% of the genome of Nicotiana benthamiana

Researchers decode 95.6% of the genome of Nicotiana benthamiana

Researchers decode 95.6% of the genome of Nicotiana benthamiana (tobacco plants). Credit: Notaguchi Group, Laboratory of Bioindustry

The plant Nicotiana benthamiana, from the Solanaceae family, is one of the most widely used experimental models in plant science. In 2020, a research group at Nagoya University in Japan reported that N. benthamiana could be grafted with plants from different families, demonstrating a rare ability that many researchers thought impossible.

Now, the same research group has used next-generation sequencing technology to decode all the genes in the N. benthamiana tobacco plant genome. Their findings provide insight into how plants are able to perform this grafting. Their results were published in Plant and Cell Physiology.
The genome structure of N. benthamiana has long been a mystery. Its complex genome emerged due to hybridization, meaning its chromosomes are derived from two species of plants. The hybridization event happened approximately 10 million years ago between two closely related plant species: paternal Sylvestres and maternal Tomentosae. To further complicate matters, it continued to evolve through several hybridization events.
Since the genome of plants such as N. benthamiana is so large, researchers struggle to analyze it in its entirety using current technology. Therefore, to study it more effectively, scientists cut it into smaller fragments for sequencing, creating what is known as a DNA library. The short sequences obtained after next-generation sequencing of fragmented DNA libraries are called reads. These sequences are then assembled using their overlapping regions to create larger sequences, called contigs. Given that the order of bases in contigs is known, this information can be used to connect the contigs to create longer…

2023-02-08 19:00:03 Researchers decode 95.6% of the genome of Nicotiana benthamiana
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Scientists have successfully decoded 95.6% of the genome of a wild and commonly studied tobacco plant, Nicotiana benthamiana, according to a study published in Nature Communications. This breakthrough allows researchers to probe the genetic components of the plant, helping to improve disease resistance, yield, and ultimately plant breeding.

The research team, which is led by Jianqiang Wu from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Beijing and Louisiana State University, began their study with deciphering more than 500 newly generate sequences using next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology. Afterward, hybrid de novo assembly was conducted and evaluated using four separate criteria.

This genomic study focused on two key features of the Nicotiana benthamiana: disease resistance and yield. Upon completing this study, the team identified 1,550 candidate genes associated with the plant standing up better against pathogens and increasing yield through photosynthetic rate.

In addition, the research team has already compared the plant’s genome to that of other species in the tobacco family, providing novel insight into genetic regulation of the tobacco plant across species.

Using this new information, scientists can now focus on understanding the specific factors that differentiate the wild tobacco plant from its domesticated counterparts. This understanding will help them draw connections between genetic components and the plant’s acidity, bitterness, and other characteristics that affect its use as a commercial product.

The Nicotiana benthamiana is a promising model organism for use in medical and horticulture research. By deciphering 95.6% of the genome, this study opens up a wealth of new research opportunities for scientists looking to tailor the plant to their specific needs.

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