Record-breaking Russian gas deliveries to Europe via pipelines in July – Reuters

Record-breaking Russian gas deliveries to Europe via pipelines in July – Reuters

In ‌July, the daily deliveries ⁤of Russian natural ⁣gas to ⁣Europe hit a peak for the year, rising ⁤by ⁢5.7% from last year and 12% from June, as per Reuters⁤ calculations.

This surge‌ is​ attributed ‍to the completion⁣ of maintenance on the “TurkStream” pipeline and ⁢the seasonal uptick ⁢in demand ​as ⁣winter gas​ storage preparations begin.

Based on Enzog’s data and Gazprom’s daily‌ reports, the average daily export ⁢of ​pipeline ​gas rose ⁣to 91.5 million cubic meters in July, up from 86.6 million cubic meters ⁣in July ⁣2023.‌ Gazprom’s total natural gas exports to Europe ‍this ‍year reached around 18.3 ⁣billion​ cubic meters.

Reuters also ‍notes​ that ‍the peak⁤ flow ‌of Russian gas to Europe was seen in 2018-2019​ at 175-180‍ billion cubic meters annually. However, in 2023,⁤ Gazprom​ faced losses of nearly ⁢$7​ billion due⁢ to reduced gas exports to Europe, marking the company’s first annual loss since 1999.

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