Ram’s electric vehicle pickup was featured in a Super Bowl ad that parodied traditional ads for sex and drugs.

Ram’s electric vehicle pickup was featured in a Super Bowl ad that parodied traditional ads for sex and drugs.

DETROIT – Stellantis will air a 60-second Super Bowl ad for its Ram brand to take a jab at the current all-electric vehicle market, specifically pickup trucks. The commercial, called “Premature Electrification,” or “PE,” spoofs ads for male sex-enhancement drugs. It features electric vehicle owners discussing problems they’ve had with their trucks – from insufficient range and power to problems charging and other potential issues associated with EVs.

“Are you excited about buying an electric vehicle but worry that it could leave you … unsatisfied?” says the ad’s star and narrator Jason Jones, a comedian best known for his work on “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” and for appearing in comedic Budweiser and Molson ads. “Then you could be one of many Americans concerned about premature electrification.”

The ad debuts the production version of the Ram 1500 REV electric pickup, which is expected to go on sale late-next year. It also serves as a reminder that Ram is still in the game when it comes to electric vehicles. The commercial ends with a call to action, encouraging viewers to “Wait for the Ram!”

The ad is a humorous way to draw attention to the fact that Ram is offering an electric vehicle option that is designed to provide a more satisfying experience than what is currently available. With its range, power, and charging capabilities, the Ram 1500 REV electric pickup promises to be an ideal option for those who want an electric vehicle but don’t want to compromise on performance.

2023-02-12 06:30:01
Article from www.cnbc.com

Ram, an American automaker, presented an eye-catching advertisement during the Super Bowl, a major annual event in the United States. This ad was particularly unique; instead of the typical ads often seen on the Super Bowl, it parodied ads for drugs and sex.

The advertisement was plugging Ram’s upcoming electric pickup truck, called the Ram 1500 Electric. This vehicle is set to be an industry leader in electric pick-up trucks, promising an estimated range of 250 miles and an efficient electric system. It stands as one of the few electric pick-up trucks on the market, with the Tesla Cybertruck being the most prominent competitor.

The advertisement featured people strolling in slow motion like a traditional pharmaceutical ad. Smiling people of all ages filled the parking lot and many exclaiming “Holy Electric Pickup!” with jubilation. The ad was comical and creative, showcasing the fun of the electric pickup and in a lighthearted way.

The Ram 1500 Electric is set to be released in the second half of this year. Futurists, environmentalists and electric car fans alike have been in anticipation for months. Already, the pre-order waitlist is over 26,000 people. It is expected to be one of the best electric vehicle pickup trucks on the market, with a unique advertisement to match.

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