Radio demonstrates unexpected resilience in an evolving media landscape

Radio demonstrates unexpected resilience in an evolving media landscape

Airline passengers between flights patronize the iHeartRadio facility at Denver International Airport in Denver on Jan. 19, 2014.

Robert Alexander | Archive Photos | Getty Images

It’s‌ a familiar‍ refrain: “Legacy media is dead” ‍— unless you’re talking about radio.

Despite being one of the oldest media formats, dating back‍ to the 1890s, radio has maintained⁤ relatively stable listenership over the past decade. Pay TV, while newer, has faced more significant declines.

In 2009, 92% of Americans age ​12 or older listened to traditional, or ‌terrestrial, radio in a given week, according to data from Pew Research published last⁣ year. By 2022, that number fell 10 percentage points. Pay TV penetration, on⁣ the other⁤ hand, fell 20 percentage points between‌ 2014 and 2023, according to data⁤ firm Statista. In the ⁣third quarter of ⁤last year, the pay TV industry shrank at a ⁣record pace, analysts at MoffettNathanson said in their latest cord-cutting report.

“Terrestrial‌ radio has stayed​ steady even ‌as…

2024-01-06 01:17:23
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