Pyxis: The Navigation Tool for the Southern Hemisphere

Pyxis: The Navigation Tool for the Southern Hemisphere

Pyxis: The Compass of the Southern Hemisphere

Pyxis: The Compass of the Southern Hemisphere

When we think of the constellations that guide us, we often think of the North Star, which can be found in the northern hemisphere. However, those in the southern hemisphere have a compass of their own – Pyxis, also known as the compass of the southern hemisphere.

History of Pyxis

Pyxis was first introduced in the 18th century by French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille, who described it as a compass with 28 points, serving as a guide for those navigating the southern seas.

The constellation is located near the southern celestial pole, alongside other constellations such as Vela, Carina, and Puppis. Although it may not be as well-known as some of the other constellations, Pyxis has a unique history and significance.

Significance of Pyxis

Pyxis is an important constellation that has been used throughout history as a navigation tool for sailors travelling in the southern hemisphere. It was often used in conjunction with other constellations to determine a ship’s position and direction.

Today, Pyxis serves as a reminder of the importance of navigation and exploration in human history. It is a symbol of the advancements we have made in science and technology, and the ways in which we continue to explore and discover the world around us.

Observing Pyxis

While Pyxis may not be as prominent as some of the other constellations, it is still visible in the night sky. It can be found near the southern celestial pole, and is best seen from locations in the southern hemisphere.

To observe Pyxis, a dark sky is recommended. Ideally, you should be in a location with limited light pollution, such as a rural area or a high mountaintop. You may also want to consider using a telescope or binoculars to get a closer look.


Pyxis is a fascinating constellation with a rich history and significance. It serves as a reminder of the importance of navigation and exploration, and the ways in which we continue to learn about the world around us. So the next time you look up at the night sky, take a moment to appreciate Pyxis – the compass of the southern hemisphere.

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