Pornhub’s Departure: Five Additional States Affected by Age-Verification Legislation

Pornhub is making the decision to shut down its operations in five additional states this ⁢summer due ⁢to new laws mandating age‍ verification ​on adult websites. This action ​comes as a response to a series of recent legislations requiring​ adult content‌ platforms to ⁣confirm the age of their users. To comply with these laws, ‍individuals in these ⁣states ‌will be‌ required to provide a valid ID ⁣or use ⁤a ‌third-party age verification service to ‍access sites like Pornhub.

In a statement on their blog, Pornhub announced that they will be discontinuing services in Idaho,‌ Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, and​ Nebraska starting July 2024. Last week, the‌ website⁤ ceased⁢ operations in⁤ Texas and has already restricted access in Arkansas, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, ‍Utah, and Virginia due to similar⁣ regulations.

Lawmakers⁣ in ‌these ​states who⁤ backed the age-verification ⁤laws believe that…

2024-06-19 14:49:06

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