Poem: ‘Weight’

Poem: ‘Weight’

heavy moments


Life is a curler coaster of emotion, feeling heavy and lightweight with turns and drops on the best way down. In the poem “Weight” by Donald Hall, the speaker displays on the pressures of life, musing on the load all of us carry.

The Weight of the World

Hall’s poem paints a vivid picture of the load of the world weighing down on us. He likens it to stones in our pockets, bodily in addition to emotional burdens we feature round:

“We carry these stones in our pockets-
heavy as grief, heavy as guilt,
heavy as the key names of God”

The speaker acknowledges the heaviness of life and our have to maintain these feelings and recollections near us, just like the stones we feature in our pockets.

The Balancing Act of Life

Throughout the poem, Hall highlights the necessity for steadiness in life. He mentions the significance of carrying each lovely and tough recollections:

“We additionally carry these small stones-
spherical, clean, and white because the moon,
the shapes of issues we keep in mind”

The speaker sees each mild and darkish in life, and emphasizes their significance on this balancing act. We should study to simply accept and course of even the tough moments and recollections.

Finding Gratitude in Life

Ultimately, Hall’s poem reminds us to seek out and recognize moments of magnificence and beauty in life, no matter how heavy the world could really feel:

“Grace, too, beneath our tongues,
all the time the small stones of reward,
the names of issues we are able to thank God for.” 

Despite our heavy hearts, we are able to all the time discover moments of pleasure, blessing, and love.


Hall’s poem “Weight” is an attractive have a look at the fragility of life and the necessity to discover steadiness between the heavy and lightweight moments. We can study to understand the tough moments in addition to discover moments of grace, in the end discovering moments of pleasure and gratitude.

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