Photosynthesis in Tropical Forests: Potential Heat Stress on Certain Leaves

Photosynthesis in Tropical Forests: Potential Heat Stress on Certain Leaves

Like ‌people, leaves have their limits when it comes to heat.
Now, in the upper canopies of ​Earth’s tropical forests, roughly 1 in every 10,000 leaves experiences temperatures at least once a year that may be too high for photosynthesis, researchers report ⁢August 23 in Nature.
That might ⁢seem a ‍paltry sum, but a photosynthetic breakdown could harm⁣ entire​ forests if climate change is not halted, the scientists warn. A ⁤rise of about 4 degrees C above current temperatures in tropical forests could potentially cause wide swaths of leaves⁤ to die en masse, simulations suggest. Still, the researchers acknowledge that ​the‌ prediction comes with uncertainties.
“One small possibility that we’re suggesting … is an incredibly dire ⁢tipping point” beyond​ which tropical forests perish, ⁢Christopher Doughty, an ecologist ‌at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, said at an August 21 news briefing. But “there’s a lot we don’t know.”

2023-08-23 10:00:00
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