Photo shows ‘book’ rock on Mars that was carved by water, discovered by Curiosity rover

Photo shows ‘book’ rock on Mars that was carved by water, discovered by Curiosity rover

detail photograph

Does this rock provide further evidence that Mars once had liquid water on its surface?

Curiosity Rover Finds Water-Carved ‘Book’ Rock on Mars (Photo)

The Curiosity rover, NASA’s mobile science lab exploring the Gale Crater on Mars, has made an exciting discovery – a “book” rock that shows signs of being carved by flowing water.

The Rock’s Curious Formation

The rock, dubbed “Harrison,” is about the size of a football and appears to have once been part of a larger formation. It was likely eroded by flowing water, leaving a unique shape that resembles an open book.

According to Ashwin Vasavada, Curiosity’s project scientist, the rock’s shape is unusual because “it’s not just flat on the ground, it’s tilted up, but it wasn’t tipped over.” The rock is also different from other rocks in the area because it appears to be made up of multiple layers.

What the Discovery Means for Mars Exploration

The discovery of the water-carved rock is significant in the search for signs of past or present life on Mars. Water is a key ingredient for life as we know it, so finding evidence of water on the red planet is a promising development.

While Curiosity has found other evidence of past water on Mars, including dried up riverbeds and lakes, this is the first time it has found a rock that shows clear signs of being shaped by flowing water. The discovery also raises questions about how much water once flowed on the planet and for how long.

The Future of Mars Exploration

Curiosity’s mission on Mars is ongoing, but future missions to the planet are already being planned. NASA’s Mars 2020 rover, set to launch in July 2020, will include a suite of tools designed to search for signs of past microbial life on the planet. It will also collect rock and soil samples for possible return to Earth in the future.

The discovery of the water-carved “book” rock is an exciting development in the quest to unlock the mysteries of Mars. With advances in technology and ongoing exploration, who knows what other discoveries await us on the red planet?

List of Key Points

The discovery of the water-carved “book” rock by Curiosity rover is a fascinating development that sheds new light on the geological and environmental history of Mars. Exciting times lie ahead in our exploration of the red planet.

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