Passing the Torch: Biden and Harris Speak to Congressional Black Caucus

Passing the Torch: Biden and Harris Speak to Congressional Black Caucus

President Joe Biden⁣ and Vice President ⁤Kamala Harris delivered powerful speeches​ at the Congressional Black Caucus’s Phoenix ⁤Awards⁢ dinner, emphasizing the critical nature of their mission to uphold the nation’s ⁤integrity.

Biden underscored⁢ his deep connection with the Congressional Black Caucus​ (CBC) and African American voters,⁤ expressing his commitment ⁢to restoring decency and unity in America.

The looming presence of Trump, Maga Republicans, ‌and their perceived threat to democracy cast a shadow over Biden’s address, urging CBC members to ⁤stand⁢ firm against ‍extremism and injustice.

In a⁢ poignant ‍moment, Biden recalled⁢ serving alongside Shirley Chisholm in Congress, honoring ‌her ⁤groundbreaking legacy as the first Black woman to run for⁢ president.

Harris echoed the significance of the CBC’s ⁤role as a moral compass for Congress and the nation,⁢ emphasizing their pivotal⁢ support for future victories in November.

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Both leaders called⁢ for unity in⁤ combating hate and division while ⁤championing democracy ⁤as they navigated through challenging times marked by political turmoil.

2024-09-14‌ 22:36:06
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