Paraguay’s Presidential Election Third-Place Winner Apprehended

Paraguay’s Presidential Election Third-Place Winner Apprehended

The third-place finisher in Paraguay’s presidential elections has been arrested by the national police, following protests questioning the legitimacy of the results. Paraguayo Cubas Colomés, a lawyer and politician, was taken into “preventative detention” in compliance with an order from the attorney general’s office. The arrest took place at a hotel in the city of San Lorenzo, just outside the capital Asunción. Cubas, a former senator and leader of the National Crusade Party, received 23% of the vote, but has since challenged the results on social media, accusing the election of being marred by fraud. However, the Organization of American States and Paraguay’s own election authorities have upheld the accuracy of the vote.

2023-05-05 22:00:03 Third-place finisher in Paraguay’s presidential election arrested
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