New Study Reveals Dinosaur-Extinction Asteroid Originated Beyond Jupiter’s Realm

New Study Reveals Dinosaur-Extinction Asteroid Originated Beyond Jupiter’s Realm

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A groundbreaking research article recently published in the prestigious journal Science has illuminated the origins of the asteroid responsible for wiping out the dinosaurs 66 million years ago. The study reveals that this catastrophic asteroid likely came from a distant region beyond Jupiter, known as the Kuiper Belt.

Noteworthy discoveries from this study:

Scientists speculate that gravitational forces from massive planets like Jupiter and Saturn could have propelled the Chicxulub impactor out of the Kuiper Belt. This cosmic event potentially set off a chain reaction leading to its collision with Earth and triggering an extinction event that wiped out dinosaurs and numerous other species.

This fresh investigation offers valuable insights into our solar system’s dynamics and sheds light on potential sources of asteroid impacts on our planet.

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