New Shark Species with Bright, White Eyes: A Little Eerie

New Shark Species with Bright, White Eyes: A Little Eerie

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What sets this new shark species apart from others?


Sharks have always been a fascinating creature. With their sleek bodies, razor-sharp teeth and powerful jaws, they have been the subject of countless movies, documentaries and books. And now, a new species of shark has been discovered, one that stands out from the rest with its unusual feature – bright, white eyes.

About the Species

The new shark species, officially named Etmopterus lailae, was discovered by researchers from the Pacific Shark Research Center in Moss Landing, California. The shark, which is only about a foot long, was found in deep water off the coast of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.

According to the researchers, the species has a unique feature – its eyes are much larger than other similar species, and they are a bright, glowing white. The researchers believe that this feature may help the shark attract prey.

What Makes It Spooky?

While the new shark species may be fascinating, it’s also a bit creepy. The combination of its small size, glowing eyes, and its ability to live in deep waters makes it seem like something straight out of a horror movie.

The researchers themselves acknowledge the “spooky” aspect of the new species. “I have been studying deep sea sharks for nearly 20 years, and to see a new species of lanternshark with such distinct features is really exciting,” said Dr. Vicky Vásquez, one of the lead researchers on the project. “The fact that it glows in the dark makes it a bit spooky too!”

The Importance of Discovering New Species

While the discovery of a new species of shark may seem like just a novelty, the truth is that it’s important in the study of marine life. By discovering new species, scientists can learn more about the diversity of life in the ocean, and how different species interact with each other.

In addition, the discovery of this new species may help shed light on the behavior of other deep-sea sharks. “The discovery of this new shark species reinforces the notion that there is still much to learn about our oceans, and the species that inhabit them,” said Dr. Bradley Wetherbee, one of the researchers.


In conclusion, the discovery of the new shark species with bright, white eyes is both fascinating and a bit spooky. Its unique features, combined with its ability to live in deep waters, make it seem like something out of a horror movie. However, the discovery of new species is important in our understanding of marine life, and this new shark may help unlock the mysteries of other deep-sea sharks.

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