New Research Reveals Pompeii’s Double Disaster: Earthquake Strikes Alongside Vesuvius Eruption

New Research Reveals Pompeii’s Double Disaster: Earthquake Strikes Alongside Vesuvius Eruption

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New insights from recent research have illuminated the tragic event that caused the downfall of the ancient Roman city of Pompeii. A study published in the prestigious journal Proceedings of the National⁣ Academy ‍of Sciences reveals that Pompeii was not only consumed by the eruption⁤ of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD but also shaken‌ by a powerful⁢ earthquake simultaneously.

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The findings suggest that the dual impact of natural disasters significantly contributed to the destruction of Pompeii and its populace. The earthquake likely inflicted widespread damage on buildings ⁤and infrastructure, leaving the inhabitants vulnerable to the subsequent eruption.

Dr. Maria Rossi, the lead researcher ⁣of the study, shared her thoughts on the⁣ findings, remarking, “This ⁤new ⁢evidence deepens our comprehension of the​ sequence of events that led to​ the ruin ‌of Pompeii. ⁣It underscores⁢ the​ intricate and⁤ unforeseeable nature of natural disasters, emphasizing the importance of readiness and resilience in the face of such crises.”

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