New Rapid Sepsis Testing Method Reduces Patient Risk by Slashing Wait Times

New Rapid Sepsis Testing Method Reduces Patient Risk by Slashing Wait Times

A‍ new breakthrough in sepsis ⁢testing is revolutionizing the‍ way bloodstream infections are diagnosed. Researchers ​have developed a‌ rapid-diagnosis sepsis test that can significantly reduce testing time‍ from days to just 13 hours by eliminating a lengthy blood culturing step.⁣ This innovative approach could save lives by providing faster and more accurate treatment for this life-threatening condition.
Sepsis, a dangerous⁣ immune response to infection, affects millions of⁤ people each year​ in the‌ United States, with a high mortality rate. Identifying the specific bacteria causing⁣ the infection is crucial for⁣ personalized treatment and preventing the progression to septic​ shock. The traditional method of sepsis​ testing involves a‌ time-consuming ‌process of blood culturing and testing, leading to ‌delays ​in‌ treatment and the use of ⁤broad-spectrum ⁢antibiotics.
Thanks to the ⁢work of nanoengineer Tae‌ Hyun Kim and his⁤ team, this new sepsis test bypasses the need for a 24-hour blood culture, providing a faster and more efficient way to ⁤diagnose and ‍treat this deadly condition.

2024-07-24 10:00:00
Originally published on

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