New Legislation Proposed in State Duma to Expand Construction Opportunities in Russia, Threatening Protected Areas – Environmentalists Concerned

New Legislation Proposed in State Duma to Expand Construction Opportunities in Russia, Threatening Protected Areas – Environmentalists Concerned

Altai Reserve. Photo: Pavel ​Filatov

An alarming bill has surfaced in the State Duma, ⁣proposing the potential clearance of numerous reserves and national parks in Russia to make way for real estate development. Originating from the authorities of‍ Stavropol Krai, ‌this is the second ⁤attempt by regions to push forward such a controversial bill, with Chuvashia having made a similar effort previously.

This proposed legislation seeks significant changes to federal laws‍ that would‌ impact not only Stavropol but the ‍entire ⁣country. If approved, regional authorities ⁢would have the⁢ power to eliminate specially protected natural areas (SPNAs) ⁢or alter ‌them in favor of “investment projects.” The specific criteria or nature of these projects are left unspecified in the document, leading‌ experts consulted by The ‌Insider⁤ to believe it was crafted with developers’⁣ interests in mind.

The wording of⁢ the document is deceptively broad; if ⁢enacted, all reserves could be at risk, not just regional nature parks.

Key Points of the Bill

Specially protected‍ natural areas (SPNAs) are categorized as either federal ‍or⁤ regional based on their creators and managers. Regional SPNAs can vary widely in size ​- from ‌a single ancient tree designated as a natural monument to vast expanses like Yakutia’s nearly⁣ 6‍ million-hectare resource reserve “Lena-Delta.”

Federal‌ Law No. 33 “On ⁣specially protected ⁤natural areas”⁢ currently prohibits any activities on SPNA lands that could jeopardize their preservation. However, ⁢on August 10th, a bill was ​introduced in the State⁤ Duma seeking amendments to this law: officials are pushing for…

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